The Secret Exposed

The Secret Exposed

Source ChristianityToday

You can gain anything you want in life—wealth, health, the perfect mate, business success, respect from
others—literally anything. That is the promise of the No. 1 best-selling book The Secret (Beyond
Words). The editor, Rhonda Byrne, explains that “the secret” can be found in everything from
Babylonian religion to Buddhism to Albert Einstein. The Secret (available as both a book and a DVD) is
no secret now, however. It has become a global video event, a clever cross-promotional marketing plan,
and a book touted by Oprah.
Byrne, an Australian television talk-show producer, discovered the
secret just over two years ago. The book’s contributors are described
on the official website as: a “philosopher” who “developed The Science
of Success and Harmonic Wealth® which teach [sic] people how to yield unlimited results in all areas:
relationally, intellectually, physically, and spiritually” (James Arthur Ray); a “business building and
moneymaking” expert (John Assaraf); a “doctor,” “philosopher,” and “international speaker” (John
DeMartini); a “metaphysician” and “one of the top marketing specialists in the world” (Joe Vitale); and
“a nonaligned, trans-religious progressive” (Michael Beckwith). Such titles reveal the new kind of gurus
to whom millions of people give credence today.
The secret is simply “the law of attraction.” Think about wealth, and you will become wealthy. Think
about that new car, and it will come. Think about getting a good parking spot, and one will open up.
Think about your ideal weight (really, dwell on that number, write it on your scale), and you will attract
that reality to yourself. Byrne reports that since deciding her “perfect weight” was 116 pounds, she has
reached it, and nothing has moved her from it, no matter what she does or eats.
“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency,” the book assures us. “As you think, those
thoughts are sent out into the universe and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same
frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source. And that source is you.”
Now here’s the bad news: Whatever happens to you—the good and the bad—was attracted by your
thoughts. Appendicitis? Auto accident? Poverty? You brought it on yourself.
Obsessed with the Self
Bible verses are misquoted. Ray, “an expert on many Eastern, indigenous, and mystical traditions,”
says: “Here’s the question I want you to consider—do you treat yourself the way that you want other
people to treat you?” Ray’s twist on the Golden Rule becomes the ultimate form of self-centeredness.
Oh, and you can attend Ray’s “harmonic wealth weekend” for only $997. Somebody has figured out how
to attract wealth to himself.
The Secret, you see, is all about the self—it’s for the self, obsessed with the self. Newsweek offers this
critique: “On an ethical level, The Secret appears deplorable. It concerns itself almost entirely with a
<i>The Secret</i> Exposed | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction 06/18/2007 06:08 PM Page 2 of 3
critique: “On an ethical level, The Secret appears deplorable. It concerns itself almost entirely with a
narrow range of middle-class concerns—houses, cars, and vacations, followed by health and
relationships, with the rest of humanity a very distant sixth.”
Professor Robert Thompson of Syracuse University says: “The Secret promises this heaven on Earth in
one fell swoop by simply desiring something, by simply wanting it. It’s amazing how we really are a
nation of, at best, great optimists, at worst, real suckers.”
What The Secret reveals is that so many people are so desperately unhappy that they will snatch up
anything offering hope—or simply offering quick and easy wealth. My question is, who will be there to
pick up the pieces when they discover that they bought into a lie? And who will help the people who
believe that they brought every misfortune on themselves because they sent negative thoughts and
feelings out into the universe like a human radio transmitter?
How different from the message of Jesus: The first will be last, and the last will be first. Lose your life,
and you will find it.
Seizing Faith
To illustrate the contrast, consider Pete Greig and his wife, Samie. The Greigs were energetic leaders of
a prayer movement called 24-7, which began in England and expanded to dozens of countries. If
anyone had the ability to move divine power, it was Pete. One morning six years ago, however, Samie
awoke but felt as if her extremities were still asleep. Then, as Pete watched, helpless, Samie’s body
began to contort and convulse.
Testing revealed a brain tumor the size of an orange. Surgery followed. Successful surgery. But not
complete healing. Samie had epilepsy, somewhat controlled by medication. At times, Pete still finds his
wife convulsing on the ground where their two young boys go to school.
Pete, who wrote the new book God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer, told me that
on two occasions he prayed during a seizure and watched as the episode seemed miraculously to
subside. But there have been hundreds of other seizures. Pete and Samie have experienced the kind of
faith during which we throw ourselves on the mercy of God. We see such faith in the Thursday prayer of
agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. In Jesus’ prayer from the cross on Good Friday. In the silence of
Saturday. And then, finally, comes Sunday—Resurrection day.
Contrary to the real gospel, The Secret proclaims: “The universe is supporting me in everything I do.
The universe meets all my needs immediately.”
Byrne says she is most gratified to hear of children discovering The Secret. But having raised two kids,
I’ve always thought that one of the most important lessons young people must realize is that the
universe does not revolve around them, that they are not God. When we believe in a God above us,
apart from us, beneath us, and for us—then we find help and hope.
Mel Lawrenz, senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin.
Copyright © 2007 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.
Related Elsewhere:
Mark Galli explored why we disdain feel-good spirituality in “The Real Secret of the Universe.”
<i>The Secret</i> Exposed | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction 06/18/2007 06:08 PM Page 3 of 3
The Secret says it is an “astonishing program”—a DVD (trailer available) and book—that “reveals The
Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries … to
reach you and humankind.” A blank check from the Bank of the Universe is also available on their
Oprah’s website promotes the book in a slideshow, with photos, information on author Rhonda Byrne,
and testimonials.
The Secret is at the top of the New York Times bestseller list (hardcover). This is its twentieth week on
the list. The NYT Book review’s “Inside the List” comments on the book’s popularity.
Other responses to the book include:
The Secret’s Out: A Review of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne | I just can’t pile up enough
superlatives about the new book The Secret!
Self-help gone nutty | A craze called ‘The Secret’ blends Tony Robbins with ‘The Da Vinci
Code,’ telling people to have it all without trying. (The Los Angeles Times)
“The Secret” is out | New Age phenomenon claims you can have anything you want. (CBS
The power of negative thinking | We Americans believe instinctively in the power of positive
thinking. But the key, it seems to me, is actually negative thinking. (The New York Times)
A giant doom magnet | So I was sitting around watching ”Oprah” yesterday afternoon when I
realized how I could stop W. and Crazy Dick from blowing up any more stuff. (Maureen Dowd,
The New York Times)
Self-help’s slimy ‘Secret’ | It’s the publishing phenomenon of the year so far, a small book with
a parchment-brown cover engraved with the image of a red wax seal. (The Washington Post)
Oprah’s ugly secret | By continuing to hawk “The Secret,” a mishmash of offensive self-help
clichés, Oprah Winfrey is squandering her goodwill and influence, and preaching to the world
that mammon is queen. (Salon)

About Gaz Parker

I was born with the ability to see spirit entities. I learned to ignore them for most of my life but during 2004 I had a kind of spiritual awakening so i thought. For years I questioned it until I asked God to show me what this is. God showed me the truth and I realised these spirits are evil, they are demons. Jesus never left me, he love me and he loves you too. My audio testimony can be found here. Contact me here:
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3 Responses to The Secret Exposed

  1. kether1985 says:

    Wow….. Go dis informant.

    The secret doesn’t do anything wrong, but it is missing pieces of the full recipe to the LOA. Don’t be foolish, the vibrational science of this has been proven – it’s also what holds together planets, stars, you and me. (It has more to do with how you feel – feelings rule the universe)

    Sound is the word of god. These techniques can also be seen in the Gospel of Saint Thomas.

    If those who lead you say to you, ‘See, the kingdom of heaven in the sky,’ then the birds of the air will precede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish of the sea will precede you. Rather, the kingdom of heaven is inside of you, as well outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty – Jesus

    Ehmm… “Ask and it is given”

    You can also pick up these books:
    The Tongue a Creative Force
    What you say is what you get &
    Hung By the Tongue.

    If your desires are not as your beliefs, you will constantly manifest your beliefs. One thing I think is all so funny about blogs such as this, is you, yourself are using these techniques to prove that you are right – and you will constantly attract people and circumstances to uphold your belief about it.

    That’s why being narrow minded and only skimming the surface of situations leads you to be the way you are right now. — Confused.

    -Simranjeet Singh

  2. Karen says:

    This LOA stuff is just a bunch of feel good mumbo-jumbo, designed to get people thinking that they have a right to feel happy all the time, and that they can get something for nothing. What happened to hard work, setting goals, and working towards and end? Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with having a positive outlook on life. And, one can argue that if you are constantly negative, you will — on some level — attract negativity. But, come on. Taken too far and for everything in life — this kind of thinking actually has the opposite effect of what is intended and it’s a huge ‘catch-22’. Rhonda Byrne wants us to believe that we are to simply think — no, concentrate really really hard, pray, meditate, focus, whatever — about the things you want and …. they will magically come your way …. delivered by the “Universe”…..but at the same time, if they don’t …. well, that’s your fault, too ….. because you didn’t think good enough thoughts or put your faith in it 100%! Hogwash! It’s a terrible cycle that will only serve to beat you down, folks. Don’t buy into it.

  3. Adele Vivian says:

    Thank you so much for this information. My sons father has got hooked on the secret and all the other NLP and hypnosis/lifecoach nonsense. I have a number of disabilities, some are genetic and he is now making me feel terrible for not being able to fix those disabilities by changing my own dna. This new age sickness is causing depression for people who are in a bad way and can’t change it just by thinking happy thoughts. it is total deception. Keep up the good work exposing this sham and the self professed gurus who lead so many astray.

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